CATESOC - Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento. Pesquisa: "TCO Not even if you were the last preson on earth : how marital search constraints affect the likelihood of marriage" + "TCO Not even if you were the last preson on earth : h Resultados de 1 a 1 sobre 1 encontrados.
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Autor: RALEY, R. Kelly
Título: Not even if you were the last preson on earth : how marital search constraints affect the likelihood of marriage / R. Kelly Raley, Jenifer Bratter
In: Journal of Family Issues. - London. - ISSN 0192-513X. - Vol. 25, nº 2 (March 2004), p. 167-181
Assuntos: Casamento / Atitudes
CDU: 392.5
Cota: FAM28 MTS MESICT 7063
Tipo de documento: Texto impresso
País de publicação: Grã-Bretanha (Reino Unido, UK)

Outro(s) autor(es) : Bratter, Jenifer, co-aut.
